Friday, September 7, 2007

Energy Therapies

The future of medicine is with energy therapies. Energy medicine is part of an emerging revolution in health care that will take us to the leading edge of discovery by blending ancient healing wisdom with modern-day insights asserts Richard Gerber, MD.[1]

Conventional medicine rests on the principles of biochemistry while energy medicine relies on the principles of physics that regulates downstream biochemistry. Energy medicine rests on the supposition that illness results from disturbances in the body's energies and energy fields and that interventions into those energy fields can help restore balance and health. Since all matter vibrates to a precise frequency, specific frequencies of energy are used to strengthen different tissues and organs and to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. [2] Energy therapies promote healthy tissues, mend bones, heal wounds, manage pain, increase hemoglobin levels, shrink tumors and heal emotional issues.

Toxic emotional and mental energies can somatize into the body and express/manifest as “physical “problems as depicted in the figure below. To bring about changes in the body, mind and spirit, a number of different energies are used- sound, ionic and electromagnetic.[3]

Energy therapies range from low tech (acupuncture, Reiki, Healing Touch and imagery) to high tech (AuraMeter, the NutriEnergetic System or NES, and the Quantum Xxeroid Consciousness Inventory or QXCI). Leonard Wisneski, MD discusses energy therapies in his book The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine[4] and James Oschman summarizes the extensive research on the energy model. [5]

The body stores energy in the electrolytes of its vital fluids similar to a battery. (Electrolytes are non-metallic conductors, carrying ions.) These electrolytes store charges as electric potential. Individuals in good health carry an electric charge of eight micro-amperes on average while tired people register one or two micro-amperes. [6]

Healers such as Reiki and Healing Touch practitioners channel an average of 8.3 volts during a healing session (range of 4 to 221 volts) compared to a control group of non-healers who channeled an average of one volt. [7] Healers were able to emit strong pulsating magnetic fields from their hands that were 1,000 times stronger than the magnetic fields of non healers.[8]

A network of channels carries energy and signals to every cell of the body. This living tissue matrix is the continuous molecular fabric of the organism, consisting of fascia and other connective tissues that link all body cells together. Every cell and internal organ generates an electrical current. Each organ has its own frequency. For example, the heart produces 1.5 watts of power, creating a bioelectrical field that is 50 times stronger than that of the brain, entraining all other organs of the body. The heart is an electromagnetic means for regulating the body. (See All living bodies depend on the use and transfer of electrical charges. The body is like a liquid crystal, capable of vibrating at a number of different frequencies. The watery matrix of the human body receives on average 60 pulsations of electromagnetic energy from our hearts per minute.[9]

Magnetic pulses can heal a wide range of tissues. A very low frequency of two hertz enhances nerve regeneration while seven hertz enhances bone growth, ten hertz stimulates ligament healing and 15 hertz stimulates capillary formation and limits skin necrosis.[10] Many companies now produce and market consumer devices for enhancing health that range from light and sound machines, subtle energy builders and air ionizers.[11]

Energy medicine also uses some very high tech tools such as the QXCI, the NES and the AuraMeter System. The QXCI is a computerized software system that measures the patient’s reactions to over 250,000 frequencies. These frequencies correlate to the frequencies of: vitamins, minerals, organs, pathogens and toxins. In less than 4 minutes, it identifies a list from most to least serious problems to address. It can detect the earliest signs of disease, toxicity, infection, and negative emotions. (see

The NES is a computerized software program for analyzing the human body-field to identify any deviations between the client's field and the optimal field. In a similar way to the QXCI, the NES examines whether there are any allergies, environmental, emotional, physical or nutritional problems to be corrected. Deviations represent damage, blocks, or distortions in the client's field. The system then makes recommendations for restoring the human body-field and the best order in which to redress them. (see

The AuraMeter System, developed by Valerie Hunt at UCLA, is also a computerized software system to detect signature energy patterns of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease before they manifest in the tissue/organ at the biochemical level.[12] This allows early intervention and forms of energetic therapies rather than drugs or surgery. See more on this at
[1] See page 4 of Richard Gerber, Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine, NY:Quill, 2001.
[2] ibid, page 233.
[3] See page 4 of Gerber, Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine.
[4] See Leonard Wisneski and Lucy Anderson, The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, NY: CRS Press, 2005.
[5] See James Oschman Energy Medicine, NY: Churchill Livingstone, 2000; and Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance, NY: Butterworth Heinemann, 2003.
[6] See Daniel Reid, The Tao of Health, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1989, page 40
[7] See Elmer Green et al. “Anomalous Electrostatis Phenomena” in Subtle Energies, vol. 2 (3): 69-94 and Elmer Green et al “Gender Differences in a Magnetic field” in Subtle Energies, vol. 3 (2):65-100
[8] See page 107 in James Oschman, Energy Medicine in Therapeutics, NY: Butterworth Heinemann, 2003.
[9] See James Oshman, Energy Medicine and Therapeutics, NY: Butterworth Heinemann, 2003.
[10] See Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance, NY: Butterworth Heinemann, 2003.
[11] See the website
[12] See Valerie Hunt, Infinite Mind : Science of Human Vibrations of Consciousness, Malibu Publishing,2000.

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